Dec 23, 2012

The Red Square

Finally I finished my exams and  now I'm on the vacation in Russia. Here is very very cold now, but  anyway I decided to visit the Red Square in Moscow. Last time I was there more then 2.5 years ago. Today I wanna show my photos from there.


  1. Поздравляю с Рождеством Христовым! В этот светлый праздник хочу пожелать мира и спокойствия в вашем доме, добра, взаимопонимания, достатка, любви, счастья, душевного равновесия, успехов во всех начинаниях, побольше радости, крепкого здоровья и всех благ! Пусть оправдываются все ожидания и сбудутся самые заветные мечты!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  2. ¡¡¡Felices Fiestas y Próspero Año 2013, en compañía de todos tus Seres queridos y Amigos!!!
    Un abrazo enorme.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Year 2013, in the company of all your loved ones and friends!
    A big hug.

  3. Wonderful pictures. Merry Christmas!

  4. Beautiful pictures .. Merry Christmas .. Best wishes for 2013.. Kisses

  5. Het moet daar heel mooi zijn je laat hier al prachtige beelden van Moskou zien.fijne feestdagen en een gezond nieuwjaar gewenst.cobie en bas.

  6. Thank you very much! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  7. Beautiful pictures, Merry Christmas and a very healthy 2013.

  8. really cool for us to have the oportunity do see these pics from the square. Christmas kisses from Portugal where the weather its sunny ;)

  9. Olá Olga;
    Excelentes fotografias de bela cidade....
    Votos de Boas Festas com muita luz de Esperança por um mundo melhor....

  10. Dear Olga!
    I am happy that I have forgotten about me!
    Thank you that you write a comment!
    Wonderful pictures of Moscow.
    Fantastic post.
    I kiss you very much.

  11. Te deseo unas buenas vacaciones en Moscú. Y que hagas muchas fotos tan buenas como estas.
    Feliz Navidad

  12. They are great photos: it looks like a very beautiful place! I also like the dolls. I hope you enjoy your vacation.

  13. Great photos. Have a great holiday and not spend too cold :))
    Thanks for sharing. Happy holidays.
    a kiss.

  14. olá. Muito boas as fotos do teu blog.
    Boas fotos para 2013!

  15. Thank you all! Happy New Year!!!

  16. Wonderful shots and place!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting (sorry for coming so late!) and taking the time to comment!
    Wishing you the most wonderful 2013!

    Have a nice weekend****


  17. Magnifiques photos, Olga, que je découvre aujourd'hui. Avec mes félicitations, je te présentes mes meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année.


  18. Olga, welcome to my blog and many thanks!
    Your blog and your photos are wonderful!!!!
    Russia is my dream! Some day i will to go :)
    Many greetings from Greece

  19. Hello Olga:)
    I so enjoyed looking at all your photos.It looked really cold, and not too many people about, but the architecture, and sculptures are very interesting.

    I hope all went well in your exams, and also that you have very happy year.
    Warmest Regards.
